
Join Our Team for a Challenging and Fulfilling Career

Famic Technologies provides high-quality software solutions. Our circuit design and simulation software, as well as our consulting services in the field of industrial automation and software engineering, are renowned worldwide.

Career Opportunities

We would like to thank all applicants for their interest in our organization. For positions currently open, only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. If we are not currently in the process of recruiting for a posted opportunity, we will keep your resume on file and contact you if a position matching your experience becomes available.
Famic Technologies practices employment equity. The masculine form refers, where appropriate, to both women and men; the masculine is used to facilitate the reading of the text.

    Send Us Your CV

    If taking up new challenges and joining a professional and dynamic team appeals to you, please review our job opportunities and send us your resume and cover letter by filling the form below, or by email at


    Envoyez-nous votre CV

    Si vous aimez les défis et que vous voulez vous joindre à une équipe professionnelle et dynamique, veuillez consulter nos offres d'emploi et nous faire parvenir votre CV et votre lettre de présentation via le formulaire ci-dessous ou par courriel:, à l'attention des Ressources humaines.

    Senden Sie uns Ihren Lebenslauf

    Wenn Sie sich neuen Herausforderungen stellen und sich einem professionellen und dynamischen Team anschließen möchten, prüfen Sie bitte unsere Stellenangebote und senden Sie uns Ihren Lebenslauf und Ihr Anschreiben, indem Sie das folgende Formular ausfüllen oder eine E-Mail an senden.

    Envíenos su CV

    Si le apasionan los desafíos y quiere unirse a un equipo profesional y dinámico; por favor consulte nuestras oportunidades de empleo y envíenos su carta de presentación y currículum vitae por e-mail a




    새로운 도전을 시작하고 전문적이고 역동적인 팀에 합류하고 싶으시면, 채용 공고를 확인하고 이력서와 커버레터를 다음 전자 메일 cv@famictech.com로 보내주십시오.

    Отправьте нам Ваше резюме

    Если Вам импонирует сложная, но интересная работа в динамичной команде, мы приглашаем Вас посмотреть вакансии нашей компании и отправить нам резюме и сопроводительное письмо, заполнив форму ниже или отправив нам электронное письмо на адрес

    Envie-nos seu CV

    Se você deseja experimentar novos desafios e se juntar a uma equipe profissional e dinâmica, veja nossas oportunidades de trabalho e envie seu currículo e carta de apresentação preenchendo o formulário abaixo ou enviando um e-mail para


    新たな課題に取り組み、プロフェッショナルでダイナミックなチームに参加したい場合は、当社の求人情報を確認し、以下のフォームに記入するか、 に電子メールで履歴書とカバーレターをお送りください。
